Posts in Blog
Feeling Numb: Signs, Symptoms and Help for Post Surgery Depression, the Common Side-effect Your Doctor Didn't Warn You About

Being numb is helpful during and after a thoracotomy but permanent numbness isn’t good for anyone.
The physical numbness that comes with surgery can move into an emotional and spiritual numbness in your soul. Feeling numb can be helpful but being numb is not healthy. We need to feel.

What do you need to move from numb to feeling?

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Death of a Dogwood: Reflections on Grief One Year Later

The death of my tree was just the last in a string of losses, and there was no holding back the tears. Everything felt heavy, slow, and difficult. My daily rhythms of waking early for Bible study and prayer fell by the wayside. I functioned in survival mode. Still, I found ways to process those things in the safety of my relationship with Jesus. Despite my muddy brain and emotional overwhelm, I refused to give up what I have learned is my lifeline in times of despair: my ongoing conversation with my Savior.

… We learn to trust God because we have to trust God. We’ve got nothing left on our own.

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How Jesus Meets Your Need for Touch

Touch, and my need for it, has highlighted what I’ve known for years: As a person living with a rare and undiagnosed disease, I have a deep need to be understood.

Jesus is fully human and fully God. He is all-knowing, the only One who can understand the physical, mental, and emotional struggles you experience. And he is all-powerful, the only One who cannot be overwhelmed by your need.

The comfort is this: The One who wept at the death of his friend, weeps for your pain also. The same One who touched the leper, can touch you too. In your pain and need, you are understood, completely, by Jesus.

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