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Book Reviews: Becoming Mrs. Lewis and A Grief Observed

Becoming Mrs. Lewis, written by Patti Callahan, is a well-researched historical fiction story of the life of Joy Davidman, the woman who married C.S. Lewis. Much of the correspondence between Lewis and Davidman has been lost but thanks to a newly discovered treasure trove of sonnets written by Joy during her friendship with Jack, as his friends called him, Miss Callahan has given us a very good picture of the woman who captured Jack’s heart.

The day I finished Becoming Mrs. Lewis, I booked it over to the library (see what I did there?) to grab a copy of A Grief Observed, written by C.S. Lewis. This book is C.S. Lewis’ journal, verbatim, of his journey through grief. It is filled with emotional turmoil and spiritual doubt. It is honest and gut-wrenching and, for me, extremely relatable.

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Five New Year's Questions for Rare Disease and Chronic Illness Fighters

As a survivor/fighter of an undiagnosed disease, making New Year’s resolutions raises apprehension in my soul.  To make a resolution feels risky.  Any goal taken seriously enough to write down in ink is just another thing that I may have to grieve later.  But flipping the perspective from goal-setting to goal-contemplating… well, that I can do.  

Here are five questions (based on Donald Whitney's 10 Questions) to ask in the new year, specifically for those fighting rare, undiagnosed, and chronic diseases.

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God’s Power to Endure (a word study)

We are all waiting with anticipation for Christmas to arrive. “I can’t wait for Christmas,” might sound cute during the Christmas season, but what if you are in a more difficult season and your “can’t wait” sounds like this: “I can’t do this! I can’t stand it one more day. Not one more day of this”?

I wonder if Mary felt that way too during this season 2000 years ago. Like a very pregnant Mary, we must all endure the wait for Christmas.

What are you enduring in this season? In the Bible, the word “endure” is always linked to the One with the power to endure. We are able to endure so much more than we think we can because God will give us the power to endure.  

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The Gratitude Paradox

Thanksgiving is NOT for spurring us on to obedience to God.  What?!  If gratitude isn’t to spur us to obedience, what IS gratitude for?  We are to let gratitude fuel our faith.

There are situations in which it would be completely inappropriate to even ASSUME we could repay a kindness, a grace.  For example, Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.  He alone could pay our sin penalty.  We will forever owe him a debt of gratitude.  What we do about that says a lot about how we view gratitude. 

We either let gratitude build our faith and adoration or we let gratitude burden us with guilt, driving our behavior without grace.

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Book Review: Remarkable Advent + 5 Advent Activities for Kids

In Remarkable Advent, Shauna tells the Christmas story blanketed in imagination but with gentle care given to historical and biblical accuracy. In 25 devotional readings, each just 4-5 pages, we will visit each of the main characters on the path to the birth of our Savior. Shauna’s stories start with a scriptural reading, then an imaginative reading, and then a short prayer. Just the right stories with just the right pacing. Perfect. Keep reading for my Top 5 Favorite Advent Activities.

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Book Review and Author Interview: Loving Your Friend Through Cancer with Marissa Henley

Marissa Henley is a cancer survivor. Her book, Loving Your Friend Through Cancer is what I fondly call the textbook on how to be the most supportive friend you can be to your friend in crisis. Marissa shares how her amazing community walked with her through cancer but the practical lessons inside apply to your friend with any severe or chronic suffering. It could have been titled, Loving Your Friend Through Lyme’s Disease, or Loving Your Friend Through Divorce, or so many similar titles.

We cove topics including: knowing your place in the Circles of Friendship and Jen Hatmaker’s Ring Theory; matching your friend’s tone; and how to speak to your friend in The Pit. We finish up with a chat about Survivorship.

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